I have been here for three weeks so far and, I have not been eaten by a bear...life is good!
At home in Arizona my wonderful beau, #EricMyers, keeps me fed on a pretty regular basis and we enjoy the foodie lifestyle in and around #Phoenix & #Scottsdale. It is only natural then that the foods and restaurants of Bethel, Alaska are going to be on my list of things to explore.
Eating in Bethel for me consists mainly of home "cooked" meals since eating out would become too costly. Unfortunately, Jamie Oliver (https://www.jamieoliver.com/) didn't fit in my suitcase, nor did he respond to any of my letters, texts, or telegrams asking him to accompany me on this venture. I am on my own!
Last week I discovered the wonderful #MeyersFarm and market, which is great for providing me with fresh fruits, but let's be honest...I wouldn't know what to do with a raw potato except maybe draw a face on it and name it Wilson.

In case you didn't get the joke, this link will be helpful:
So off to the grocery store I go!
There are two main grocery stores in Bethel. Swanson's & the AC (Alaska Commercial Company). There are also a few smaller stores as well, but these are the largest.
Today I went to the AC. In addition to groceries, each of the stores has clothing and other items. In a way, they are a smaller version of #WalMart, sans the scary shoppers you find at a real Wal-Mart, www.peopleofwalmart.com.

I thought it would be interesting to post a few products with their actual pricing for people to get an idea what the cost of living differences are in regards to staples (yes, Ben & Jerry's IS a staple food item).
Although there are several restaurants to choose from, there is only one franchise brand fast-food restaurant in Bethel.

A few years back there was a rumor going around that Taco Bell was going to open a restaurant in #Bethel. Later this was discovered to be a hoax, this is what happened (#KrisTescher, you should watch this one, so I am not providing an alternative link.)
Hmm...I have been craving an #InNOut Burger...
...Rumor has it that one is coming to Bethel soon!

The first night I arrived in Bethel I knew I was somewhere special, and I don't mean that in the "short-bus" kind of way #LesaCarlton. It is a great town with great people and I am very excited to be working and living here. Every day I learn new things that are interesting and fun.
For example, when I got off the plane in Bethel and was waiting for my bags to come off the plane, I noticed something a bit strange. Raise your hand if you see it too.
This is very common as residents fly into #Anchorage and bring back supplies in the plastic totes. I wish I had known this before I packed...I am pretty sure I could have gotten much more stuff in one of these than in my little suitcase.
Here are the miscellaneous photos that I took this week:
Well, folks, I need to wrap up for the evening. Thanks for stopping by!
#Yupik for "This is not the end."
Talk to you again next week!
I just sent a care package this afternoon!
Love the photos! Sounds like you need a care package, though! Miss you!!!